In 1975 Yoknapatawpha Press purchased the unsold copies of the 1969 LSU Press edition of Cabin Road by John Faulkner – Introduction by Redding S. Sugg, Jr. This hardcover shrinkwrapped in mint condition with the original LSU dust jacket, 197 pages, has become a Faulkner collector item. $50.00.
Cabin Road, originally published in 1951, was the first of John Faulkner’s five novels dealing in a humorous vein with the people of the Mississippi back country. It is the rustic tale of a bewildered “government man” marooned among the poor whites of North Mississippi—surrounded by characters as folksy and earthy as any found in old Southwest Humor. Cabin Road shows John Faulkner as an author who displayed originality, vitality, and distinctiveness even when writing in the shadow of his more famous brother.